
Welcome to my blog, a place where I can lose myself in a crafty haven. Pull up a comfy chair grab a cuppa and come and have a read. Oh and if you like what you see, stop by and leave me some love in the comments section


Thursday, March 22, 2012

Lots of cards made but no photos!

well Mothers day came along and I made lots of cards (from us and the kids) and took them to both mums on Sunday and it wasn't til I got home I realised I hadn't photographed them!!!

Then for the craft club I had to be quick in putting something together so used an easel draw card printout I downloaded from the Printable Craft Shop, I did resize it to make it smaller so I could use less card and added pearls and brads from my stash.

Picture isn't brilliant as camera battery was almost dead

It turned out quite well and the ladies loved making them I added some mini dairy milk choccy bars so we could put them in the draws.

1 comment:

sues craft magic said...

Lovely card/gift Sharon , and you are not the only one who makes cards gives them out and forgets to take pics i,m always doing it lol,,,

Hugs Sue xx